Use the Zenegy Expense mobile app

  • Last updated on February 10, 2025 at 8:36 AM

With Zenegy Expense, managing card expenses and employee claims is easy. The mobile app has everything you need as an employee and approver, e.g., Manager, Project Manager, and Supplier Manager. We recommend that the mobile app becomes your primary work tool when managing expenses. With this series of short videos, you're ready to start using the mobile app! 

You can download the mobile app for Android and iPhone. 

Please note, that the videos are currently in Danish but with English subtitles. 


In this video, you get an overview of the general menu in the mobile app.

Additional menu items for Approvers and System and Expense Administrators

Not all users can access the two additional menu items in the mobile app:

  • Approvers get access to the menu item For approval.  
  • System Administrators or Expense Administrators get access to the menu item All expenses. Here, you will learn how these menu items work.

Create supplier invoices on the mobile app with Zenegy Numbers

If your company uses our accounting system, Zenegy Numbers, you can create supplier invoices on the mobile app.

Written step-by-step guide - Expense mobile app

Navigate the Expense mobile app

The primary navigation in the Expense app is found in the side menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the two lines in the top left corner. Depending on your role in the company, you will have different menu items available:

  • Regular employee: Access to CardsExpenses and Statistics.
  • Approver: Furthermore, has access to For approval.
  • System or expense administrator: Gets an extra menu item called All expenses.
  • Several companies: If you are associated with several companies, you can switch between them under My employers.

All users have access to Settings.

Menu items in the Expense app

Here is an overview of the main menu items and their functions:

1. My expenses
  • See your expenses. At the top, a blue banner will appear, showing how many expenses are missing a receipt. Click on the banner to get an overview and upload receipts.
  • You can filter expenses by status, amount, currency, date, period, or search for suppliers.
2. All expenses (only visible to System Administrators and Expense Administrators)
  • Here, you'll find an overview of all company expenses.
3. Inbox
  • Inthe Inboxyou can upload your invoices and receipts until the expense has arrived in the app and you are ready to attach the receipt. Click the Upload new receipt link and select your preferred upload method.
4. Settlement account
  • Here, you will find an overview of your settled claims.
5. For approval (only visible to Approvers)
  • Here, you will find the expenses that are ready for your approval.
6. Cards
  • See details about company cards, including card number, currency and card status
7. Analytics
  • Get an overview of the categories you have spent money on. You can see a graphical overview or a list with the total amount for each category and its percentage of the total amount.
  • You can filter the statistics by status, date or period.
8. My employers
  • If you are associated with several companies, you can switch between them here. 
9. Settings
  • You can customize the app by choosing your home screen, language, and login method (PIN, Face ID, or Touch ID).
  • Change the PIN and choose whether the app should be in dark or light mode.
  • Choose whether photos taken with the camera in the app should be saved in the phone's gallery.
  • You can also log out from Settings.

Expense management

  • View and edit details of your expenses, including amount, supplier, currency and date.
  • You can also change or add a category, distribute expenses between multiple accounts, or send a reminder to an approver.


  • Create an employee claim by clicking the plus button. Add amount, currency, date and supplier.
    • If there is a predefined category for the supplier, it will be selected automatically, but you can change it.
    • You can add an account that matches the purchase and, optionally, a description.
    • Upload receipts by taking a photo, selecting a photo from the gallery or uploading a file. If the receipt is lost, you can add a note.
    • Submit the claim for approval once all details are filled in.

Approval processes

If you have expenses that need approval, you can see and remind the responsible approver, for example, by sending a notification.

Communicate with your colleagues on your expenses

  • If messages or reminders have been sent, they will appear under Communication. You can access it via the blue banner, under Actions, or via Details on an expense.
  • You can send messages to other employees in the chat overview. Message recipients will receive a notification.

Read more

See videos about using the mobile app
Additional menu items for approving and other processing of expenses
Guide to handling supplier invoices in the Zenegy Expense mobile app (only if you have Zenegy Numbers)

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